We’re Here To Help

Get local assistance year-round

All in-person assisters are federally trained and certified. Individual enrollment services only.

To schedule an appointment, please call:

New Castle
Westside Family Healthcare
Westside Family Healthcare
New Castle/Sussex

Call 1-844-238-1189 for trained and certified Navigators Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm.

See flyer for more information about quality insights marketplace navigators.

Access to language translation line for more than 60 languages. Assistance for the hearing impaired provided using Deafinitions & Interpreting, LLC.

Contact: enrollment@westsidehealth.org

Work with an agent/broker

If working with an agent or broker, ask if he or she is certified to discuss Marketplace programs or review this list of Delaware-certified agents and brokers.

ZIP Name Phone #
19701 Markie Mitchell
19701 Paul Snipes
19702 Diane Foster
19702 Carissa Moriello
19702 Carlene Whitsel
19702 Frederick Mcminds
19702 Guy Lombardo
19702 Joseph Ritter
19702 Lamont Lewis
19702 Mary Castiglione
19702 Mercedes Banfill
19702 Nicholas Moriello
19702 Stacy Mullin
19702 Walter Bishop
19703 Mohamed Konneh
19703 Susan Flick-Narmore
19707 Ashley Buczik
19707 Diana Lee
19707 John Koziol
19707 Kathleen Hartenstine
19707 Lynne Gunter
19707 William Hutchins
19709 Darlene Wynne
19709 Ferdinand Kouemeni
19709 Henry Chinski
19709 Howard Inman
19711 Andre Hoeschel
19711 Anna Wood
19711 Charles Barba
19711 James Haubrich
19711 Nancy Short
19711 Nicholas Delia
19711 Vickie George
19713 Colleen Latch
19713 Dina Hughes
19713 Kim Sadowski
19713 Michael Fallon
19713 Robert Sonchen
19713 Ryan Dunn
19713 Steve Blewitt
19713 Thomas Cetola
19720 Becky Phillips
19720 Brian Hartle
19720 Melanie Burns
19720 Rebecca Simeone
19720 Robin Morris
19720 Sandra Keele
19801 Allen Insurancegroup
19801 Barbara Oneal
19801 Catherine Oneal-Rispoli
19801 Chanel Jobes
19801 John Allen
19801 Keith Webb
19801 Walter Allen
19802 Richard Miller
19803 Aaron Mitchell
19803 David Baron
19803 George Gioffre
19803 Randal Yoncha
19803 Todd Hudson
19804 Kimberly Amen
19806 Hunter Reed
19806 Kevin Conners
19806 Michael Geary
19806 Scott Yerkes
19806 Vickie Thompson
19807 John Mcdonnell
19807 Marshall Ferguson, Jr.
19808 Adele Taylor
19808 Debra Shears
19808 Louis Memmolo
19808 Michael Reckner
19808 Theresa Vreken
19808 William Marinelli
19809 Barbara Kates
19809 Dennis Drake
19809 Michael Brewer
19809 Patricia Myers
19810 Kamal Nayan
19810 Leexan Hong
19810 Paul Mcghee
19810 Richard Costello
19810 Wayne Whittaker
19899 Evan Evans
19904 Brenda Ensley
19904 John Still
19904 Justin Strickland
19904 William Strickland
19933 Harry D
19934 David Lewis
19938 Cory Thomas
19945 Kaitlin Harper
19947 Ed Stracar
19956 Jill Smith
19956 Mark Rubino
19956 Scott Ward
19958 Clay Monroe
19958 James Vereneault
19963 Andrew Sammons
19963 Angela Dorey
19963 Hope Walls
19966 Kimberly Schmidt
19966 Kimm Nureck
19966 Sherri Eldredge
19966 Stacy Lowe
19966 William Husfelt
19970 Duran Harrispeyton
19971 Brian Mcmahon
19971 Jerry Oneill
19973 Gloria Jane Drace
19975 Donald Mattingly
21921 Michael Saponaro

Federal helpline

Federal application counselors are also available to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Simply call 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325).


Adjusted Monthly Premium ($)
The total amount that the consumer is expected to pay per month, after tax subsidies have been applied.
Percent of FPL

This is a measure of income based on percentages at and above the Federal Poverty Level (i.e., 200% FPL means an income 2x the Federal Poverty Level, which is $12,490 annually for an individual and varies based on family size). Get more information about the 2022 Poverty Guidelines , including a chart of the Federal Poverty Levels.

This tool provides a good idea of whether you’ll save for 2023. This tool currently applies to 2021 Marketplace savings. New cutoffs for 2022 (slightly higher due to inflation) will appear November 1.

Maximum Annual Premium ($)
The total dollar amount that an individual or family is expected to pay annually in premiums, based on income.
Premium Limit (%)
The total percent of annual income an individual or family is expected to pay for health care premiums. It increases as income increases.
Annual Income
The amount of individual or household income per year.
Monthly Subsidy ($)
The total amount that will be paid by the federal government per month towards the payment of premiums.
Average Base Premium ($)
The average base price of the premium that must be paid to the insurance company each month, before subsidies. An average is shown because premiums can vary by location.

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